The Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department in collaboration with Roane County Schools will be offering school-based immunization clinics for students needing Tdap and Meningitis vaccines.  These clinics will be held on April 10, 2024 and April 24, 2024 and will be offered to students who will be entering 7th or 12thgrade.  Parents are not required to be present for these clinics.  However, completion of the attached consent form and screening questionnaire will be required before immunizations can be given.  Insurance information is required, but no student will be turned away due to lack of coverage or inability to pay.  Please turn in all required forms to the school no later than April 1, 2024.   

Please watch for the forms to come home with your student. Any sixth grade or eleventh grade student who has not received their required vaccines yet will be sent home forms from their school nurse. Reminder that your student cannot start the school year without having received the state required vaccines.