The FCC announced late last week that any household with a student that receiveds free breakfast and lunch programs under Community Eligibility - i.e., all Roane County Schools families - are eligible to apply for assistance under the Emergency Broadband Benefit program. EBB can provide up to $50 per month for home Internet service.
To apply, visit the FCC's EBB page at the link below. Note that Roane County Schools has no say in who is approved nor are applications sent to us. We can only pass along the information provided on this page:
With severe weather on the way, now would be a great time to download our new app. Get alerts, listen to calls you may have missed, and stay up-to-date! Search your App Store for “Roane County Schools.”
Today, Roane County moved to "red" on the WV DHHR daily COVID-19 map for the first time ever. 35 new cases were confirmed in the past 7 days.
Data continues to show most cases in the 25 and older population, but some younger have tested positive as well. With students returned to school just this past Wednesday, these cases represent spread outside of schools.
Remember the CDC's nine strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19, particularly those that are personal responsibilities:
- Get vaccinated if you are eligible
- Wear a mask especially when physical distancing cannot be maintained
- Keep three to six feet away from one another when in public
- Practice good hand washing and sneeze / cough etiquette
- Stay home when sick
- Get tested if you experience any symptoms of COVID-19
Roane County Schools continues to address the three remaining strategies in our schools through improved ventilation systems, contact tracing and quarantine protocols, and cleaning and disinfection.
These strategies can be practiced throughout the community to help keep us all safe and keep our kids in school.
Signups for the Roane County Virtual School continue through Wed, August 25. For more info, see our website.
If you have already signed up, acceptance letters are in the mail.
NEW - Roane County Virtual School open for 2021-22 school year. Read more on our site - https://www.roanewvschools.com/article/510804
RCBOE Adopts CDC Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools. Read more on our site - https://www.roanewvschools.com/article/510735
RGH is offering drive-thru COVID-19 testing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 1 pm to 5 pm, behind the walk-in clinic. Moderna vaccine will also be offered for 18+.
After a very quiet summer - summer school saw zero exposures - COVID-19 is once again on the rise.
Eleven new cases this week represents the highest one-week total for Roane County in months. These cases tend to be in younger people, which also is the least vaccinated population. And, of course, younger than 12 years old is not eligible for vaccination - which raises concern with new variants like Delta on the loose and affecting younger people more severely.
So to keep schools open and keep kids safe and in classrooms this fall, we need everyone to do their part - get vaccinated if you can and be safe when out in the community either way.
Save the dates for these Back-to-School events:
Thurs. 8/12 - Back-to-School Block Party and BOE Meeting at Spencer Middle
Mon. 8/16 - Open House at Geary, Spencer Elem., and Walton
Tues. 8/17 - Freshmen Orientation at RCHS
For more info and times, please contact your school.
School supplies are on us! All Roane County students will be supplied with what they’ll need when they return to school on August 18. For a complete list, see https://roanewvschools.com/page/supplies.
We've added info about state-required immunizations to our website. These help keep our students and communities safe. https://roanewvschools.com/page/immunizations
Our ARP ESSER Plan - the $7.7 million of federal funding that will help us recover and accelerate into 2024 - is available for comment. https://roanewvschools.com/page/re-entry-for-2021-22
New K, Middle, or High School students need to check out "Step Up," coming the week of 8/2. Meals and transportation provided. Details at https://roanewvschools.com/page/stepup
2021-22 UPDATE
Bus schedules for the 2021-22 school year are now available on our website. Go to "Bus Schedules" in the main menu or directly to this link - https://www.roanewvschools.com/browse/227286
Moving up to middle school?
Each middle school will host a Step Up program for students moving up from elementary school - and for students who chose Distance Learning and missed the change to move up in-person last year!
Call your school or the BOE offices to register.
A new year brings a new website and mobile app for Roane County Schools!
Website - https://roanewvschools.com/
Download our app:
iPhone or iPad - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/roane-county-schools/id1574353412
Android - https://bit.ly/2UeIg9V
A new year brings a new website and mobile app for Roane County Schools!
Website - https://roanewvschools.com/
Download our app for iPhone or iPad - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/roane-county-schools/id1574353412
Android app coming soon to the Google Play Store.
Remember - State law has required for many years that all students be immunized against certain contagious diseases that can be easily spread at school. Our school nurses can help you navigate the requirements for your student. Contact your school for more information.
Moving into 9th Grade? Starting middle school? Kindergarten on the agenda for 2021-22?
Our Step Up programs will give students a chance to meet teachers, try out their new technology, and get a "step up" on the new school year!
Moving into 9th Grade? Starting middle school? Kindergarten on the agenda for 2021-22?
Look for more information very soon - our new Step Up programs during the week of August 2 are for you!